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Java Fundamentals

Learn one of the most used languages and cover Java principles and code to get basic knowledge. After finishing this course, you will have enough Java knowledge to start easily making Android applications in Android Studio or making other desktop applications . Enjoy learning!

Category: Java/Android

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Java Fundamentals

Learn one of the most used languages and cover Java principles and code to get basic knowledge. After finishing this course, you will have enough Java knowledge to start easily making Android applications in Android Studio or making other desktop applications . Enjoy learning!

Content of this course:

Your first task is to set a new project using Android studio in a way, so you will write pure Java in it. We will give you a short description of every task, guide you through with hints and links and write Java code. After this topic, you will have basic knowledge to start learning how to make Android applications or some other programs while writing Java.
In this homework you are going to learn even more basic syntax in Java. We will cover the most used loops, what are arrays in Java, how to access variables from one class in another classes, use static or final keyword and more. Follow Codebrainer hints every day, do your homework after each video and you will boost your general knowledge in writing pure Java code.
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